Friday, October 29, 2010

The Base where they live - RAF - Lakenheath

This is where Danielle and James and the kids live.
Lakenheath RAF
This is about 80 miles north-east of London.
It is a wonderful community of just about everything you need to survive; the BX which is a small version of Target; the commissary, their grocery store; a movie theater which changes movies every night; a bowling alley; an excellent gym; fast-food restaurants; regular restaurants; coffee shops;
and I am probably missing a bunch of things.
They walk everywhere which is wonderful exercise. And even when it's raining, they walk anyway. Danille always says, it you wait for nice weather, you would never go anywhere.
Danielle and James both work at the hospital on base. Of course, James is deployed until January to a base in Kyrgyzstan.

This is their beautiful two-story house with three bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths.

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