Friday, October 29, 2010

The Base where they live - RAF - Lakenheath

This is where Danielle and James and the kids live.
Lakenheath RAF
This is about 80 miles north-east of London.
It is a wonderful community of just about everything you need to survive; the BX which is a small version of Target; the commissary, their grocery store; a movie theater which changes movies every night; a bowling alley; an excellent gym; fast-food restaurants; regular restaurants; coffee shops;
and I am probably missing a bunch of things.
They walk everywhere which is wonderful exercise. And even when it's raining, they walk anyway. Danille always says, it you wait for nice weather, you would never go anywhere.
Danielle and James both work at the hospital on base. Of course, James is deployed until January to a base in Kyrgyzstan.

This is their beautiful two-story house with three bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Enjoying the Family

Both Dominee and Isaiah are involved in ROTC.

This is one of Dominee's passions - Animea (I'm sure that is not how you spell it). She is a wonderful artist and is always drawing these cartoon characters. She bought this costume with some of the money she earned this summer working at the hospital.

Isaiah at Boy Scouts. He has to complete a service project and will then become an Eagle Scout. And this past weekend he went to a camp and was inducted (not sure that is the correct terminology) into the Order of the Arrow.

Since Papa was a Boy Scout, he is very proud of Isaiah's accomplishments!

Dominee and Petunia

Danielle was entertaining us with her dance moves to Dominee's music. We laughed so hard and my comment on the video that I took (and promised not to post on UTube) was this is the reason that the Roehm's do not need TV - they entertain themselves!

This was an evening out - for the girls. We drove to the town where they used to live, Thetford, to go to a wonderful garden center that sold everything you could imagine and even had a wonderful coffee shop where we indulged in my favorite English food - Scones and Clotted Cream and Jam. There is nothing better!

That's Isaiah still eating - you can't fill that boy up! And me - exhausted!

This is a Roehm tradition to go for pizza after church.

Dominee is practicing kitty massage.

This is the Anglican Church that the family goes to. The Anglican church is the official church of England brought about when King Henry VIII wanted to do away with the Catholic Church so he could divorce his first wife.

I loved the service it was very evangelical and it wonderful to see people of all ages lifting their hands in praise to The LORD!! I usually think of the British people as being very reserved so this was so amazing to watch. Obviously GOD is doing something very special in England!

We are hanging out at one the coffee shops on base.
Relaxing at home

These are the real masters of the household. Spoiled kitties! But loved!!

Tyke, who actually came with them from LA - he is a world traveler kitty. First Japan, then
to our house for several months and then on to England.
And there is Bloke and Petunia.

This is Bloke

This is old Tyke
And "Little Girl" - Petunia

Here is the Kitty Condo. Well really, the whole house is the kitty condo!

Audley End

A visit to Audley End - an Abbey converted to a manor house in 1538. When the conversion was completed, it became the largest home in England. In the early 1700's, some of the house was demolished due to the financial cost of upkeep and restoration.
It was truly a beautiful home with centuries of history oozing from its walls!

This was an interesting adventure - a journey back in time. There were authentic rooms set up with actors role-playing the part of servants.

A very hands-on experience.

Danielle doing the dishes. A private joke in our family because she always figured out a way to avoid dishes and even did so in the Air Force in Basic training.

The beautiful grounds!