Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Repeated visits to Emily's Tea House

England certainly has the market on awesome tea houses and lunch at Emily's Tea House was a real treat! My favorite British food by far are Scones with Clotted Cream and Jam!
My last night out was with Danielle and Dee for dessert before dinner.

Calories - who cares when it tastes this good!

This was my first visit to Emily's, with
Danielle and Tia

Blenheim Palace

Danielle had to pick up Isaiah from his Boy Scout weekend - Order of the Arrow - on Sunday morning at 10 am, not far from London....so we decided to see this palace on Saturday night and spend the night near his camp.
This palace was built in the early 1700's and is the birthplace of Winston Churchill and it is also where he got married.
The palace was beautiful, but the grounds were our favorite.

This a Chinese Pheasant - there were hundreds on the grounds.

The Homecoming Dance

I was so blessed to be able to take part in this big event - the Homecoming Dance!
Dominee and Isaiah both had dates to the dance.
This was Nicki, Isaiah's date

And Nicki's sister also went with Isaiah to the dance. Notice Isaiah's big grin!!

This is Dominee's date - Patrick. Patrick and his family are good friends of the family. Such a handsome young man and so nice!!

Getting ready.

Patrick helping his son, Patrick.

It was Tia's birthday also, so we not only had a pre-homecoming dance dinner but also celebrated her birthday!
You have seen Tia in several of my posts because she has accompanied Danielle and I on several sight-seeing adventures.
What great friends they are and such a neat Christian family.